this is how i last
how i survive
how i overlook the useless
and focus
even dive
silent cylindical wave
merging with seas
i believe there are five
once unitively experienced
u know u arrived
i cant explain this like i said,
my words come to life and
then lie still, lie dead,
or reborn yes reborn!
in my very head
i wish for u to know
i mean u know harm
i offer white light
unfold out of self
for sight
i dare your courage
i dare to meet you
i dare your pride
i dare confide
u make me smile
i start to laugh
energetic plane
softens soft
like wax
meandering of
hot hot & fine
recorded on
a sunny california
day not long ago
when the musicians
had no mercy
said it was so
my pen was mad hot
burning like incense
my paper singed bad
situation was tense
tension held up
defining a pathway
kept my head up
day after day
i had no mercy
i moved like fire
destroying what i knew
to create in the playa
tabula rasa
nothing wasted
cuts were very hard
my passion
kept the pace
i suffered i knew
i knew not
still true
i feel all feelings
each one a clue
to the spiritual
licensed and bonded
palm cooled
henna cast vines
that wrapt round my body
what was goodness in me
met what was naughty
the effect
energy was sourced
in a system
this became the signature
which ended the divorce
brought peace to a land
knew nothin but war
an internal dynamic
shifted cells
to uncover
golden hued
sifted grains
of glass
i transformed these
eventually from
gold fronts
steeping over time
then poured rather
cause goldface fronts
do not protect
as imagined
when you gotta
save your ass
salvation not a question
that runs through my fluid mind
it happened already
it happens all the time
just catch yourself
in your arms

an edge
and hang there suspended
pure mindful
oneness with ledge
see all your choices
see the divine
follow your heart...
all will be fine
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