wade into the work
until you are anymore
no longer
with wonder (and a touch of guilt)
for not believing
you were only
doing your best
by what you were
wade into the work
until you are anymore
no longer
with wonder (and a touch of guilt)
for not believing
you were only
doing your best
by what you were
walking the city streets to work she stopped only for coffee. ideas clamored for attention since she shut out the news. today it was why not get a kitten for my two cats to raise? the wind bit her neck and she pulled up her collar. got to work super early. time to write. #katyamills
if you lose your way
focus on one word at a time
place your palm over your heart
and ask it to speak
the room where I write has five walls and a light hanging off a ten foot chain. a newsprint by Banksy tacked up to remind me. a girl with her legs crossed. seated. looking thoughtfully at a bird. if you get tired, it says, learn to rest, not to quit. #katyamills
I tend to delight in things others dont make much of. I know you poets and writers understand. then it's like I am a bore to them. but I am not trying to be a great entertainer. just myself. the ones who care tend to show up for more. #katyamills
I am so happy one of my first submissions was accepted and published by New Words Press today! Here is the link ... https://www.newwordspress.com/solar-strike-by-katya-mills/